At last weeks mothers circle we focused on the topic of community and some really interesting conversation flowed. It seemed that all of us, despite being at different stages of motherhood, felt like we would benefit from a greater sense of community in our mothering journeys.
There was a time when mothering would have automatically been a community experience. When people were more deeply connected with the women surrounding them, within in their own families and local villages. So, we brainstormed how we would like community to look within our own circle, for ourselves and for all mothers who will join us.
First and foremost, we decided that community meant it was a collaborative space, where we all worked together to shape what it was we wanted for ourselves and others. This means there is no leader, just mutual participation where everyone gives and everyone receives.
Here are some of the ways in which we decided our community would be of most benefit:
An open, in-person space held every week on Thursdays (10.30-1.30) for mothers. Young children welcome to attend.
Some Thursday sessions will host guest speakers or discussion groups focused on particular topics to help us through our mothering journeys. Topics may include subjects such as: freebirth, wild pregnancy, raising children out of the system, breastfeeding, natural health, unschooling etc.
A whatsapp group allowing you to connect with other mothers during the week.
Ask questions and receive support from other mothers.
Meet other mothers of all ages and stages of motherhood.
Sharing childrens clothes, toys and other resources.
Using alternative methods of currency such as energy exchange or trade.
Food trains for those in their fourth trimester or mothers who are going through a difficult time.
Holding the spiritual, connected magic of life alive for other mothers and children.
Mother blessings held for pregnant community members.
Organising activities and events for mothers.
Organising activities and events for children.

We also agreed upon a foundation of values for our community, using them as inspiration for how we would like to build and create this new way of living:
Joy! Motherhood is a journey that holds many ups and downs. We hold space for all aspects of this journey however we prioritise mothering from a space of joy.
Freedom & Independence. We understand the importance of raising free and independent children in every aspect of their lives and aim to embody these values so that our children can learn through demonstration.
Transparency & honesty. Motherhood can be much messier than it is often made to look on the surface. This is a space where you can be open about your journey and also be honest with other mothers when they ask for your viewpoints.
Creativity. We embody creativity in all aspects of life, from new ways of forming and living as community through to imaginative thinking. Let’s encourage our children to create!
Trust. As a collective we are a community that is doing things differently. Many of us choose births that differ from the “norm” such as freebirth or hypnobirthing and ongoing ways of mothering. We trust in our remembrance of the knowledge we innately carry and are connected to through our ancestors.
If this sounds like a community that you would like to be a part of, then we welcome you to join us with open arms. For mothers at any stage, whether you are pregnant or a great grandmother to 30 children, this is a space for you.