Breathwork journey with live sound ceremony - Wednesday 20th March, 5pm!
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Breathwork journey with live sound ceremony - Wednesday 20th March, 5pm!

🌿✨🕊️ Join us on a transformative journey of self-discovery and healing at Zen Jungle Retreat tomorrow at 5pm for a special impromptu event - a Shamanic Breathwork Session with a Live Sound Ceremony. This unique experience will delve deep into the realms of consciousness, offering a space for profound relaxation, release, and even psychedelic exploration.

Breathwork is a powerful tool that not only aids in destressing and releasing trauma but also provides numerous physical benefits through conscious breathing and mindfulness practices. By engaging in this session, you can tap into a state of deep relaxation and rejuvenation, allowing for the release of emotional blockages and the cultivation of inner peace.

Accompanying the breathwork journey will be the enchanting sounds of Hannah, who will guide us with her intuitive use of sound healing instruments such as the Native American flute, shamanic drum, crystal and Tibetan sound bowls, and shamanic rattles. These instruments carry healing vibrations that can aid in both physical and emotional healing, creating a harmonious environment for your inner exploration.

Our gathering will take place in the serene ambiance of our 9m luxury yurt, where you will be comfortably nestled on mattresses, wrapped in blankets, and provided with soothing eye pillows. After the session, indulge in some refreshing fresh fruit, decadent chocolate, and nourishing juice to complete your journey of self-care and rejuvenation. Come join us for an evening of healing, connection, and transformation. 🍃🌌🌺

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