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If how you feel really matters, what are you doing to change it?

Writer's picture: Jason JungleJason Jungle

Have you accepted the way you feel by telling yourself that's life and you can't change it?

Having been born into a fully formatted conditioned reality, where the nature of being a human was already fully decided before you arrived, it's easy to see why you have accepted it.

The nature of the struggle, the chasing things to be happy, the comparison and the competing, the endless amount of things you should and shouldn't do, and what you should be, do and have in this limited lifetime you've been given.

It all seems so predetermined, so unavoidable, but is it or are you just so embedded in it that you can't see the route out?

For many our lives are an excercise in spinning proverbial plates. We are managing all of the expectations of this way of living, we are obediently deciding that what's important is what we've been told is important and we are immersed in the opinions that drive it all.

What do we stand for, what do we want, who should we be and what is our life's purpose within it all? With an enduring question in the background of do we want to participate and can we really be bothered?

Does it all feel right and good to you or are you existentially bored or tired of it all. Is there a passion for life within you or are you simply doing what you must in order to be here and get through it.

Are you generally positive and happy, are you feeling sad or depressed, are you using escape mechanisms like travel, buying stuff, compulsions or substances to get moments of peace and a little less pressure.

Is this how we were intended to experience life or is it a contrived mechanism where you must chase and avoid, pay your taxes and look behind you endlessly just in case.

maybe you have or maybe you haven't considered this stuff before, and just maybe you've started to awaken to the construct and see it's idea based nature. Although the ideas are not yours and they seem not to serve you.

As we consider the bigger picture we see that it's our beliefs that keep us here, running in the wheel, repeating, repeating, repeating, and we see that there is a prison of the mind ready to be dissolved.

Question is, is it your time to be free?

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Jill S
Jill S
Aug 02, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

I want to break free from city life and live in nature, working in holistic therapies like you guys but i feel stuck.

Jason Jungle
Jason Jungle
Aug 05, 2024
Replying to

Hi Jill, the reason for you feeling stuck is attached beliefs. Every limitation and inability to move or change originates in our own beliefs. The only thing holding you back is you. The journey of letting go and changing perspective is key for you now.

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