On the Retreat Schedule for 9th - 11th August
Progressive Zazen Daily Mediatation suitable for beginners and advanced meditators
Nidra - Mind awake body asleep Ultimate relaxation and journey in consciousness.
Shamanic Breathwork - Release and Altered states Suitable for all levels
Brainsync Mediatation - Deep sound meditation Binaural sound technology will take you into deep meditation. Great for beginners
Breath and Energetics meditation Learn to meditate and remain thoughtless
Sound Ceremony with Hannah Ultimate relaxation
Advanced Kriya / Unfocussed Meditation Great for refular meditators
Third Eye Visual Meditation Sensory meditation for all levels
Wild Lake Swimming
Visit the website for the full schedule. The Eye Bistro is open for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner Friday & Saturday, Breakfast and Lunch on Sunday.