Transformational Discussions
Thu, 14 Dec
Join us for a guided discussion using media such as documentaries, parables and books relating to personal transformation and alternative living as focus points. All welcome.

Dates, Time & Location
14 Dec 2023, 18:30 – 20:00
Holsworthy, Zen Jungle Retreat Wooda Lakes, Holsworthy EX22 7JN, UK
Event in detail
All are welcome at our weekly discussion group on personal transformation, freedom and alternative ways of living! We are a community of like-minded individuals who gather together to explore different facets of what it means to undergo personal transformation and find freedom and independence within ourselves and through developing a parallel society. Our group operates much like a book club, except that we use a variety of media such as books, documentaries, and transformational stories as discussion points.
Our aim is to connect with each other on a deep level and expose ourselves to new ways of thinking about personal transformation, freedom and community life. We provide a safe and supportive environment where everyone is encouraged to share their thoughts and experiences.
Whether you are new to personal transformation and alternative living or have been on this journey for a while, you are welcome to join us. We believe that everyone has something valuable to contribute and that we can all learn from each other. So come and be a part of our community, and let us help each other to grow and thrive!
To make it accessible to all, we've set this session up on a donation basis so you can choose how much you'd like to contribute.
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Transformational Discussions
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